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What you need to know about the Bus Air Conditioning system

Whether you're driving a bus, train or coach, the health of your passengers is of the utmost importance. The best way to keep the passengers from getting sick is to have a working air conditioning system on board. There are many different types of air conditioning systems for buses, so you should choose one that is suitable for your needs.The air conditioning system is made up of various components such as a compressor, a condenser and an evaporator. These are used to cool the passenger compartment air and remove the excess humidity from the air. You should also consider the power draw of the A/C system. This will affect the capacity of the alternator and will need to be factored in when buying the system.
If you're in the market for a new system, you should consult a dealer to find a cooling system that meets your needs. You should also ensure that the system is clean and disinfected. This will help prevent the transmission of bacteria and other germs.The best way to evaluate a bus air conditioning system is to perform a performance pull-down test. During this test, the temperature inside the bus should drop from 100 degrees to 70 degrees in 30 minutes. You should also ensure that the window and skylight exhaust fans are operating to quickly exchange air.
A proper public bus air conditioning system should be disinfected before use. This can be done by soaking the screen in chlorine containing disinfectant for about thirty minutes. Then, rinse the screen with clean water and dry it.

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