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Precision Server Room Air Conditioning is your ideal choice

Unlike comfort cooling systems, precision server room air conditioning is designed to maintain optimal humidity and temperature. It is a vital component of any data center, where maintaining the conditions in the room is critical. High humidity can negatively impact the electronics in a data center. It can cause condensation, corrosion, and short circuits. It is also a potential source of static electricity.Precision air conditioners are designed to move more air volume at high speeds, allowing for more effective air distribution across servers. They also provide better humidity control and air filtration. The units can be designed in a direct expansion (DE) or close control (CC) configuration.
Precision systems can provide higher humidity control levels than comfort cooling systems. They can also operate on maximum performance, reducing dust and maximizing efficiency.Precision cooling systems can be adapted to meet the needs of any application. They also provide reliable operation and the flexibility to meet any demands. They are available in 15 to 165 kW cooling capacity.
Precision air conditioners are ideal for spaces with high density heat loads. They are also designed to handle uneven heat distribution. Standard comfort cooling systems are not suitable for these environments.Precision server room air conditioning systems use a high degree of particle filtration to ensure optimal humidity and temperature control. They also offer alerts when the temperature inside the room exceeds a specified range. The system also automatically updates the room's humidity and temperature.

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