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Marine Air Conditioning - How It Works

When you cruise, it’s essential to stay cool and comfortable. Having a properly installed and maintained AC can make the difference between having an enjoyable experience or a miserable one.Depending on the climate you’re traveling in, an air conditioner can keep you cool and dry or even warm your cabin with ease. It will also help to lower the humidity in your boat, which can reduce mold growth and mildew--two other problems that can affect the quality of your cabin.
How to Maintain a Marine Air Conditioner.The best way to maintain your AC is by performing routine checks and cleanings. It’s important to check the system’s water level and ensure it’s clean of debris, especially barnacles.A simple check of the raw-water discharge will often tell you if there’s a problem with the system’s water supply. If yours isn’t draining completely, the next step is to check and clean the sea strainer, a valve that controls how much water enters or leaves the system.
There are three main types of marine air conditioners: self-contained, split and chilled water systems. Each of these systems uses water from the ocean or lake to cool the air inside your vessel.

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