
Home / News / Industry news / Copper Tube With Aluminium Fins are becoming popular

Copper Tube With Aluminium Fins are becoming popular

Copper tube with aluminium fin heat exchangers are becoming popular for a number of reasons. The first is their favourable cost-effectiveness and a high level of heat transfer performance.
Secondly, they have the added benefit of being immune to formicary corrosion – a condition that can cause premature failure of copper tubing. In addition, they are a lot cheaper to replace.Thirdly, they can be made more formable, allowing for greater design flexibility and less material waste. Finally, they are lighter and more durable than their copper counterparts.
A copper tube with aluminium fins is also easier to repair should it ever get damaged – a problem that’s often caused by galvanic action, where oxygen combines with the copper in the condensing coil and causes leaks.
A good way to avoid the pitfalls of using copper with aluminium is to use a combination of both materials in the same coil – called an applied fin tube (also known as a tube-fin heat exchanger). These types of tubes are available under various manufacturers and can include different material choices.

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